Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Driving home

Dan looking a little bit like a bug.
Park like rest stop in Pennsylvania.

Philadelphia and NYC

Dan thinking very, very hard about something. As we were taking pictures of the statue a tour bus stopped in front of it so its riders could take pictures. I'm not sure we got out of the way in time so some very lucky tourists have pictures of me and Dan.
A cool church in NYC.
Dan in Central Park.
Me munching on the Statue of Liberty.
Dan squishing the Statue of Liberty.

Federal Hall in NYC. This is where Washington was inaugurated as the first president.

Yankee Stadium.

More of Yankee Stadium.


Dan's new bike!
This was taken from a park over looking the Inner Harbor in Baltimore. Just beyond the sand volleyball courts is a trapeze school.
Dan next to a cannon in the park.
At 448 ft. above sea level, this is the highest point in Delaware.

More vacation

Independence Hall.
Inside Independence Hall. This room is where the Declaration of Independence was signed.
Liberty Bell.
Too bad bells don't have spell check.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Vacation - Day 2 and 3

We stopped in Huron, OH to visit Lake Erie. I need to visit Lake Huron and Lake Ontario and then I will have been to all of the great lakes.

Lake Erie.
Dan in Lake Erie cooling off his toes. The water was cool but tolerable.

Hershey Kiss shaped street lights in Hershey, PA. We visited Hershey's Chocolate World and learned how they make some of the different candies. After the tour we taste tested a possible new flavor of jelly bean, spicy peach.

Vacation - Day 1 in Milwaukee

Bob Uecker's (radio announcer for the Brewers) view of the field.

That's me preparing for a sausage race as Cinco!

View of the field from the Brewers dugout.

Me and Brian Shouse (a relief pitcher for the Brewers).

Me and Bill Schroeder (tv guy for the Brewers).

Me and Ned Yost (Brewers manager).

As Dan ate lunch with his parents, his sisters (Crystal and Karen) and I took a tour of Miller Park. During the tour we raced as sausages, went into the Brewers clubhouse and dugout, threw pitches in the bullpen, and had lunch. Later that night we watched the Brewers beat the Pirates.