Tuesday, September 1, 2015


 10 months old!  At 10 months Wesley loves to eat fruits, vegetables, veggie straws, and drink water.  He still likes to chew on anything and everything.  He is a very happy baby and loves his big brother.  He will take a few steps if he's holding onto something or someone and is trying to stand without holding onto anything. 

 First day of kindergarten!  It was very humid this morning so my camera lens fogged up a bit when we first went out. 

Taking pictures of each other!  Dan went into work late so that he could walk with us on the first day of school. 

In front of the school there is a line for each of the different classes to line up on.  I got Calvin to his line, said have fun, and we waved to each other.  I moved back a bit to get out of the way of all the picture takers (other parents) and was promptly told by Calvin "Okay Mom you can go now."  I guess he was ready to get on with kindergarten!