Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Advent Calendar

Calvin's first Advent calendar! Each little bag holds a trinket, candy, stickers, or a few coins. He and I made the ornaments after I realized that we were not going to get out of Michael's without buying the clear plastic ornaments. I didn't want them just floating around the house so I also bought pom-poms to fill them. Calvin did the middle one by himself and helped me with the other two. He lost interest after a bit so I had to finish filling them. I hope he enjoys opening the bags as much as I enjoyed filling them!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Calvin has joined the world of preschool! He will be attending every Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 am to 11:30 am at a local Montessori preschool . Well, we're supposed to get there at 8:30 but we were late for his very first day of school! We received our first snow and slush of the season so traffic was a little crazier than usual so even though I gave us extra time to get there it wasn't enough. Oh well, he arrived just in time for circle time. Today it looked like they were working on identifying colors. Calvin actually knows his colors but I'm guessing he didn't shout out the answers because that just isn't his style when he's in a new situation. I think there was story time and singing today as well as play time and a walk outside. Luckily he already has his boots, snow pants, mittens, and winter jacket because he needed all of them today!

The teacher reported that Calvin did great today. No tears, he jumped right in, and it seemed like he had been there forever. No tears from Mom either! Hopefully Friday will go just as well. I think the hardest part for both of us was waking up so early.