Sunday, May 31, 2009

The last of the Everlades

Small pond at one of the visitor centers. It's included because I like the cloud reflections on the water.
West Lake Trail in the Everglades. I don't think that I want to get lost in a mangrove forest because I don't know if I would make it back out.

More Everglades

Manatees in the boat marina at the Flamingo Visitor Center in the Everglades. Even though they are slow moving animals we could never get more than just their noses in the pictures. Also in the marina that day a crocodile. Yes, a crocodile. Of course we didn't get a picture of it because we thought it was just a really long alligator but later we heard from a park employee that it was a crocodile. A park ranger informed us that this is one place where both crocodiles and alligators live although there are way more alligators than crocodiles.
More Everglades. We were both amazed that we could go from tropical hardwood hammock (below) to the River of Grass (above) and still be in the Everglades.
Gumbo Limbo trail in the Everglades.
45 minutes after the rain started it stopped and the sun came out again. Of course, it was steamy for a bit but it still felt cooler than the Bahamas.
No, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you and the picture isn't fuzzy. We got caught in a down pour while in the Everglades. Luckily, there was a small shelter near by that we were able to stay under until it stopped.


Alligators in the Everglades.
Bird taking off when it noticed an alligator eyeing it.
This alligator was a little too close for comfort. It was maybe 5 feet away and could have easily gotten us if it had wanted to. My ankles felt very vulnerable.
Alligator. Can you tell that we were intrigued by the alligators?

And yet more Bahamas

The view from just beyond the light house.
The light house on Great Stirrup Cay.
The international airport on Great Stirrup Cay.
Cricket anyone? A very friendly tour guide at Fort Charlotte informed me that Cricket is the national sport of the Bahamas. He later asked where we were from and when told US/Iowa he shouted "Go Hawkeyes!"

Fort Charlotte in Nassau. The moat (where the cars are parked) was never meant to have water in it. The idea was that prickly plants and other wildlife would live in the moat and keep the enemy at bay.

Even more.

View of a lighthouse from a beach in Nassau.
Fort Fincastle built in 1793.
Queens Staircase in Nassau. There are 65 steps and was named in honor of Queen Victoria.
Freeport Harbour. If you look in the middle of the picture you can see a row of scooters. We rented one for the day and scooted around Freeport. We only rented one and Dan drove while I rode on the back reminding him to keep left every time we got to a round about.
Me at the Garden of the Groves.

More Bahamas

Dan at the garden.
Garden of the Groves in Freeport.
The walk back to our scooter from the beach.
One of the many, many lizards we saw on the trip.
Me at the Lucayan National Park Beach.


Beach at the Lucayan National Park in Freeport, Bahamas.
More beach at the national park.
More Lucayan National Park.
Dan in our stateroom on the ship. He claims that he was comfortable but I'm not buying it.

Thursday, May 7, 2009