Manatees in the boat marina at the Flamingo
Visitor Center in the Everglades. Even though they are slow moving animals we could never get more than just their noses in the pictures. Also in the marina that day a
crocodile. Yes, a crocodile. Of course we didn't get a picture of it because we thought it was just a really long alligator but later we heard from a park employee that it was a crocodile. A park ranger informed us that this is one place where both crocodiles and alligators live although there are way more alligators than crocodiles.

More Everglades. We were both amazed that we could go from tropical hardwood hammock (below) to the River of Grass (above) and still be in the Everglades.

Gumbo Limbo trail in the Everglades.

45 minutes after the rain started it stopped and the sun came out again. Of course, it was steamy for a bit but it still felt cooler than the Bahamas.

No, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you and the picture isn't fuzzy. We got caught in a down pour while in the Everglades. Luckily, there was a small shelter near by that we were able to stay under until it stopped.