Monday, February 22, 2010

Calvin vs. Cricket

Calvin trying to eat a toy that is as big as he is!

Calvin and Paige, one of his babysitters.
Cricket is wondering why Calvin is in her chair.

Happy 5 months!

If only I would help him get to his toes instead of taking a picture...
Happy 5 months!
Calvin ready to hit the town.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Calvin and his bumble bee

Calvin at 4 1/2 months

Calvin's new glasses
Such a big boy!
I guess we don't need to worry about Calvin not sharing his toys with his friends.
Calvin and one of his favorite toys

For those of you who haven't heard the news Calvin rolled over for the first time recently! He went from back to belly and seemed very pleased with himself. He still hasn't figured out how to go from belly to back but he's getting very close.