Peas and cheerios, tasty combination. When Calvin finished his last cheerio he started looking around including on his lap for more. He obviously didn't look for hard because when I took him out of his high chair there was a handful of cheerios on his lap. Yes, those are two of his 6 teeth. 2 on the bottom and 4 on top. Playing with Dad. Calvin returning from a walk with Dan.
Faster, Dad, faster! Calvin went on his first bike ride today with Dan. At first he wasn't so sure about the helmet but once they got moving he seemed to forget about it. He enjoyed the bike ride except when riding into the wind and then got a little fussy. Can't blame the guy since I get fussy too when I ride into the wind. Looking wistfully at the balloons stuck in our tree and wondering how he can get them down.
Calvin's two front teeth are coming in nicely! He's more of a chewer than a sucker. Still chewing... Lots of fun goodies to play with in his Easter basket. Mmm, sweet potatoes!