Saturday, January 18, 2014

Random photos from the past few months

Dan and Calvin before trick or treating.  Calvin wanted us all to be bats
but at the last minute he decided that he wanted to be
a dog (last year's costume) and a bat. 
It was a tight squeeze to get the bat costume over the
dog costume but we got it on and he was very excited. 
Pumpkin patch.  We set out to get one pumpkin each but as you can see from
the picture above we ended up with a few extras.
I wish I could blame the extras on Calvin or Dan but it was all me this year.
What's the first thing you think of doing when it snows?  Ride a bike?
Me neither but Calvin thought it was a great idea. 

Helmet fun at my cousin's wedding reception. 

Turtle exhibit at local museum.  He couldn't stand up with the
shell on but had lots of fun pretending to be a turtle on the ground. 
Pinata Dan and Calvin made for Calvin's birthday party.