9 months. At 9 months Wesley is 30.5 inches long and weighs 25 pounds. He is in the 99th percentile for both height and weight. Translation: he is longer and heavier than 99% of other babies his age. Pretty sure the pediatricians office uses a chart based on formula fed babies so I'm not sure how he would stack up weight wise if they used the mom's milk chart.
On his 9 month out in the open anniversary Wesley pulled himself up and stood holding onto the couch. Calvin and I were in the kitchen when he did it for the first time but we did see him standing before he did a face plant onto a pillow.
Hard to tell in this picture but this is a picture of Calvin's first black eye. He was playing baseball and ran into another kid's head. Ouch.
Wesley's first bike ride. Still a bit too little (8 months) so we will have to wait before we take him on a 20 miler.
8 months. Loves to chew, eat Kix, and laugh.