On June 22, 2008 Dan and I completed the Hy-Vee Triathlon in Des Moines, IA. This was an olympic distance event which means we swam 1.5k, biked 40k, and ran 10k. We had only ever done sprint triathlons (1/4-1/2 mile swim, 15-20 mile bike ride, and 5k run) up until this event so we both trained for months to get ready and it definately paid off especially on the huge hill that we had to climb at the end of the run. Okay, the hill probably wouldn't have seemed so terrible on any other day but after swimming, biking, and running almost 10k it was a mountain.
The top picture was taken at 4 (yes, 4) in the morning before we left the hotel for the mall where we parked the car and a shuttle was waiting to take us to the lake. We had dropped off our bikes and running gear the night before at the transition areas so we didn't have to carry much with us that morning.
The second picture is of Dan's wave swimming away. The shuttle bus dropped my dad (and all other spectators) off at the bike/run transition area which was 1.5 miles from the lake. He had to walk the distance and got there just in time to snap the picture as Dan began his swim. Thanks Dad for taking pictures and cheering us on!
Picture number 3 is of me and my wave waiting to begin our swim. The water was actually very warm but incredibly dirty. With all the rain that the area received earlier in the month the water was very high and muddy. My swimsuit was filthy when I was done swimming.
Dan getting on his bike after his swim. Go Dan!
Dan running out of the transition area. He looks pretty good for having just biked 40k.
More pictures coming!