Calvin loves sharing his favorite things with us. Leaves, toys, food. Not only does he like to share his food he likes to feed it to us. Not so bad if it hasn't been in his mouth first but he's been known to put a grape in his mouth, take it out, and then try to put it in my mouth. Not as cute as it sounds.

Calvin is finally starting to walk! He's been walking along the couch for a few months now but in the past few weeks he's gotten more daring and will try to walk across the room. He doesn't like to hold our hand when he walks which isn't a big surprise since he hates having his hands held. We've tried getting a video of him walking but without luck. When he spies the camera he takes off crawling towards it. He's also figured out how to get up on the couch without having to step on anything to give him a boost. Luckily, he knows how to get off the couch without hurting himself. The only words we can currently understand are mama and dada. He makes the same noise every time he sees Cricket which I take to mean kitty but it sure doesn't sound like kitty to me.
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