Old stove.

New stove. Thank you craigslist! Although the old stove was a little (okay, really) outdated it actually worked really, really well so it was hard to justify buying a new one. Occasionally I would check craigslist to see if a nice stove was for sale and I happened to see this one and for a great price. One quick trip to Galena and we had a new stove! An older couple had just moved into a town home a few months ago that had sat empty for more than a year so none of the appliances had ever been used. The woman said that she had to take plastic and other tags off of the stove when they moved in. She only used it a couple of times (what did they eat?) and felt like she need to buy new appliances because someone in her family owns an appliance store. Where were they a month ago when we needed a new dishwasher? See below.

The dishwasher that came with the house went kaput so we got a new one! He requires a little more upkeep but he sure is cuter than the one we had!

Dan and Calvin installing the dishwasher. Unfortunately, this ended up being an all day chore. Between Dan's little helper and a trip to the hardware store the entire process took longer than expected. Who knew that electric dishwashers don't come with electrical cords, that you have to supply your own? Strange but true.

Installed and ready to clean, clean, clean!

The garden that Dan and Calvin built with the plants from Grandpa David. Calvin helped add soil to the garden and carried the plants from the garage to the garden. I'm a little surprised that any of the pumpkins are doing well because Calvin had fun pulling them out of the garden shortly after they were planted. He now leaves the big garden alone because I have a small garden (a square container that I used to grow tomatoes in) for him to play in. He loves to use his little shovel to dig in the dirt and then fling the dirt onto the ground.

Our rock collection. Instead of flower beds this house came with a rock garden. We've (okay I only helped a little so it was mainly Dan) been cleaning out the rocks to make room for some shade plants since the beds are right up against the house and don't get direct sunlight. It's kind of hard to tell from the picture but this is a HUGE pile of rocks and half of what we had to begin with. We've had 2 different people come and take some of the rocks away for their own gardens. Now we just need to find 2 more people to take the rest away.

Earlier this spring there were some interesting looking plants emerging from the ground near our garage and at the edge of the backyard. I thought they kind of looked like red asparagus. Dan wanted to get rid of the plants since we didn't know what they were but I insisted that we leave them and thank goodness we did!

Today was really hot and humid so the peonies are starting to droop. I'm hoping tonight when it cools off they will perk up again.


Hello, tomatoes!
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