Calvin and I go to a different park each Monday with a group of friends. He has gotten much braver going down the slides, climbing the ladders, and swinging. I wouldn't be so nervous about his climbing but he is easily distracted and wants to watch other people rather than watch where is feet are going.
We've gone to a couple of LumberKing baseball games down in Clinton, IA. Both games were fun to watch but it sure makes for a late night when we finally get home. Maybe in a couple of years Calvin will actually be interested in watching the game for more than a few minutes! Probably not though. Anytime he sees a sport being played it makes him want to play it. He'll ask to watch baseball and not more than 2 minutes later he will be playing baseball. We spent a lot of time playing tennis during the French Open. He finally understands hitting the ball back and forth and will ask to do that with me. I think our record is 4 hits in a row. Pretty good for a 2 year old!
We took a tour of our neighborhood fire station not too long ago. Calvin loved it! Every time we drive by the station (pretty much every day) Calvin points to it and says "That's the fire station we went to." Or something like that. He also points to fire hydrants and says that Kenny (the fire fighter who gave us the tour) opens up the hydrant to get water out. He is also asking to go back.