Wednesday, May 13, 2015


 7 months old!  Wesley has his first tooth and more on the way.  His favorite foods are mango, pears, mango and pears mixed, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes mixed with mangoes, and squash.  He loves to laugh at his brother and once the two of them get going it's hard to stop!  He also likes to bang his cup on the tray of his highchair just for the fun of it.  He loves to roll over and find toys that babies shouldn't play with such as Hotwheels cars.  He isn't crawling yet but he can pull himself along and get to toys that are just beyond his reach.  He loves taking walks and laughs when the wind blows in his face.  He loves to be read to and starts laughing and kicking his legs when books are brought out.  He likes to turn the pages of books but doesn't like it when he closes the book on his fingers.  He also likes to chew on books and just about anything else he can get his hands on. 

 First day of the t-ball season.  Dan is coaching Calvin's team this year.
 Garden volcano built by Calvin and one of our neighbor kids.
 Easter eggs found!
 Wesley and Dan on the hunt for eggs.
 Calvin setting out to search for eggs.  Yes, that is a Halloween pumpkin.  No, he does not want a traditional Easter basket.
 Dying eggs with neighbor friend.
 Animals are ready for a trip north. 
 5 months!

 6 months!

Calvin's front loader that he drew.

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